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Everything posted by Public_Storage

  1. In the midst of my first munar landing, I lost it mere meters from the surface. The engine of my lander was destroyed, and the rest of the craft toppled over, destroying everything except the capsule. Now, three kerbonauts are stranded. Quickly, a rescue mission was organized, but however, once I got into Kerbin orbit, it hit me. How would I get my rescue lander within a reasonable distance of the stranded Kerbals? What would a rendezvous with a something on the ground be called, and does anyone have tips on how to do it?
  2. I really appreciate all of the solutions that you guys have offered me. I’ll put off docking for now, but when I come back to it I’ll definitely try to incorporate all of the advice. Thanks!
  3. So I’m an Xbox user and I’m very new to KSP. I’ve successfully got through all tutorials besides the last three. That’s the problem. I got to the docking tutorial and I was good...until I got to the part where I needed to get within 100 meters of the stranded ship. I was going towards the target at a steady pace of 10 m/s, just as the tutorial instructed me to. However, once I got within about 600 meters of the craft, it started to travel away from me. This tutorial may be adequate for others, but not me. Does anyone have a solution?
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