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Everything posted by Ray61

  1. It does prevent any input from disabling SAS, but it also prevents the input from controlling the vessel! Good idea though. I hadn't even noticed that setting, I have just been looking through the arduino code.
  2. Thanks for the reply Zitronen. For now I'm using a logitech 3d pro joystick, but I'll look into using a second arduino in USB mode.
  3. Awesome mod, I'm grateful you've kept it updated! I'm currently building a control box based off of Hugo Peter's awesome design (https://www.instructables.com/id/KerbalController-a-Custom-Control-Panel-for-Rocket/), however, I've run into one issue I can't solve. Whenever there is any input on the joysticks, SAS turns off. It turns back on once there is no longer any input on the joystick , however, it reverts back to mode 1. I would like SAS to stay on in the mode i have it set for while I input control on the joysticks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Here is the code Hugo included with the instructable: if(analogRead(pRX) >= 530){CPacket.Yaw = constrain(map(analogRead(pRX),1023,530,-1000,0),-1000,0);} else if(analogRead(pRX) <= 470){CPacket.Yaw = constrain(map(analogRead(pRX),470,0,0,1000),0,1000);} else {CPacket.Yaw = 0;} if(analogRead(pRY) >= 530){CPacket.Pitch = constrain(map(analogRead(pRY),530,1023,0,1000),0,1000);} else if(analogRead(pRY) <= 470){CPacket.Pitch = constrain(map(analogRead(pRY),0,470,-1000,0),-1000,0);} else {CPacket.Pitch = 0;} if(analogRead(pRZ) >= 565){CPacket.Roll = constrain(map(analogRead(pRZ),530,1023,0,1000),0,1000);} else if(analogRead(pRZ) <= 500){CPacket.Roll = constrain(map(analogRead(pRZ),0,470,-1000,0),-1000,0);} else {CPacket.Roll = 0;} //pRX is the pin for rotation control, x axis //pRY is the pin for rotation control, Y axis //pRZ is the pin for rotation control, Z axis
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