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Everything posted by Insidious611

  1. Tried this out in both 0.25 and 0.90 and I have one problem I'm hoping maybe someone else can help me with. I can't get it to stop feeding bombs. That is to say, right clicking and pressing the "Kill 20MN" button does nothing. Nor does using an action group that has "Kill 20MN" in it. I want to be able to switch from 20 to 3.5, or to shut off the orion entirely and use radially attached "trim thrusters", but as of right now I can't figure out how to do either of these things because of this problem.
  2. Why is the distance from Kerbal to the Sun given as 13,450,000,000 km in my orbit view? Thats barely 0.08 AU. Those kerbals should be crispyfried.
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