In the name of Richard Hatch...
Would it be possible to build real Battlestars, especially if we collectively wanted to, and if AI were used to accomplish most of the physical labor in Earth orbit or more ideally on the moon? Do you believe we could make it so?
Ofcourse we don't have FTL, yet; and we may never have it, doesn't mean we can't use nuclear energy (or Tylium) to accelerate over longer periods to reach a good % of LS. Also wouldn't stop us from using AI to set up advanced bases as we travel out from our local system. Issac Arthor has some great inspirational material on his channels you could check out.
Isn't this the whole point of building autonomous AI in the first place for fracks sake?! AI was the main theam of the BSG franchise and allowed that civilization the capacity to do stuff we currently can't and perhaps at the same time face our fears. The first ships could easily be constructed using raw material from the moon. less gravity, limitless solar energy and all the same resources/ores, semiconductors, metals we have on Earth. Seriously all the same resources are available, because once upon a time the Earth and moon were part of one big happy planet that got slammed.
It is known lighter than air technology can reach the edge of Earths atmosphere and could easily be used as a platform for assisted lunch to higher orbit, reducing energy and financial costs significantly.
IMHO just think we Humans better get off our collective 'assets' and on with it before we over rabbit our planetary resources out of global biological limits, The Toasters can save us! lol