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Everything posted by harleyb16

  1. I run ksp on a 5 year old machine with 4 gigs of ram (only 3.2 in use) 8800 gts 512 geforce (older then your card) quad core intel i turn up everything, including AA. runs perfect. your current machine should be great for this game.
  2. Hey guys! found out about this game from reddit, loving it! purchased immediately after playing the demo and exploding a ship on the mun. After many tries, and many crew lost, I finally made a successful trip to and from the mun! Unfortunately, I only took screenshots of my landed vessel and return :\'( (to many failed missions to bother with screenshots just getting there) my best landing! not my first, but the others.... well... lets just say the fuel meter was a little to low... those kerbals aren\'t going anywhere. now my first orbit while attempting my return home! when i came in for a landing I never orbit. I don\'t know if that\'s bad or not, i just figured i save gas that way there is no science behind anything I did, it was pretty much a crapshoot the whole way! 'oh this little ellipse shape looks good! yeah yeah. excellent.' 'oh now were in business!' Crew is surprisingly calm... ohp. there they go. screaming the whole way. they look pretty pleased with how the mission played out! desdorf. he had his doubts! but aldney never doubted me one minute! (except for the screaming parts, he didn\'t like those) and I\'m going to finish this post with a question. How do i get the original crew in the new update? Are they just random? There\'s just no astronaut quiet like Jeb. To be honest, he was a little off! but that\'s okay, because when the mission had gone to crap. and the kerbals were plummeting to there doom. his smile always seemed to calm my nerves. Right to the k.i.a.. Not the other crews nerves, but hey, can\'t please them all, can you?
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