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  1. these are the items i really wish to see in ksp 2 procedural for nearly everything one would argue it ruins the game because its lego rockets but it could easily work. the way career mode already works is the exact same progression, except they can not be changed. example would be the first fuel tank where it starts out at 100 then 200, 400 and eventually 800 for the fl-X00t fuel tank another example are the rocket boosters where you start out with the flea rocket booster then the hammer and eventually the thumper (although they do have slightly different impulses). the normal stock options can still stay in the game but but i would allow people that go into more depth to be able to customize their rockets for extreme challenges such as the 2 ton rocket to eloo. it would also allow rockets to be less parts overall which would save frames for the crazy designs. engines would be the most radical change (which i do not expect will happen at all) but overall it would be a nice addition to allow users to create their own, it would also nearly remove the need for engine mods because you could practically create your own unless its exotic the way the research tree could be is upper is larger machined parts so for example if you decide to make a fuel tank with advanced rocketry you have x maximum for width and a good chunk for height(which it mostly already is) while the bottom are for miniaturization while the center would be roughly same size but different in nature ie nuclear engines or stuff that can not be tweaked ie research parts and command modules and any other that the devs choose. this would allow people that are really into designing rockets who go for absolute minimum weights or are going for harder challenges to achieve their goal. On another note this would also allow people to make much larger rockets for less parts which would have higher frames per second which is a major win. However i doubt this will happen because it is controversial. but for the love of god at least have it for wings and fuel tanks. strategia in general, the normal strategies are completely dull and boring to do no one really cares about -1.21324892 funds for +1.21349 science kerbal engineer because holy crap is info like that incredibly useful
  2. these are the items i really wish to see in ksp 2 procedural for nearly everything one would argue it ruins the game because its lego rockets but it could easily work. the way career mode already works is the exact same progression, except they can not be changed. example would be the first fuel tank where it starts out at 100 then 200, 400 and eventually 800 for the fl-X00t fuel tank another example are the rocket boosters where you start out with the flea rocket booster then the hammer and eventually the thumper (although they do have slightly different impulses). the normal stock options can still stay in the game but but i would allow people that go into more depth to be able to customize their rockets for extreme challenges such as the 2 ton rocket to eloo. it would also allow rockets to be less parts overall which would save frames for the crazy designs. engines would be the most radical change (which i do not expect will happen at all) but overall it would be a nice addition to allow users to create their own, it would also nearly remove the need for engine mods because you could practically create your own unless its exotic the way the research tree could be is upper is larger machined parts so for example if you decide to make a fuel tank with advanced rocketry you have x maximum for width and a good chunk for height(which it mostly already is) while the bottom are for miniaturization while the center would be roughly same size but different in nature ie nuclear engines or stuff that can not be tweaked ie research parts and command modules and any other that the devs choose. this would allow people that are really into designing rockets who go for absolute minimum weights or are going for harder challenges to achieve their goal. On another note this would also allow people to make much larger rockets for less parts which would have higher frames per second which is a major win. However i doubt this will happen because it is controversial. but for the love of god at least have it for wings and fuel tanks. strategia in general, the normal strategies are completely dull and boring to do no one really cares about -1.21324892 funds for +1.21349 science kerbal engineer because holy crap is info like that incredibly useful
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