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  1. Sweet..I'll look into how to use them. Thanks for the reply!
  2. Absolutely love the mod but have just found that the magnetoplasma whatever thrusters are just too hard to keep up with electricity wise. Maybe I'm missing something but to make a decent sized lander I'm having to put on 400k-500k worth of solar panels that are just so whacky big that it makes it hard to build. I think maybe I might be missing something. Made it to Moho and back for the first time ever though! Thank you.
  3. I don't even know where to start with this stuff...I've never had much trouble building SSTOs or anything but the parts seem to be tough to fit together. It's definitely just me lol
  4. hey so I downloaded the NF aerospace stuff...it is super cool and works great but the parts are so huge for anything Mk2. Am I missing something?
  5. I actually just added a reshader and it looks quite a bit better. Here's the screenie anyway. temporary picture sharing
  6. well man, removing scatterer and reinstalling fixed the issue...but my install def still doesn't look nearly as beautiful as all these screenies I'm seeing. Not even close actually.
  7. yeah, I will try that later tonight. I'm not super computer literate so I may have messed something up. If it's still not working, I will send you my folder setup.
  8. Howdy...downloaded the zip file and all the dependencies listed within. This is what I ended up with. Any ideas?
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