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Can't fit through hatch

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  1. I have just confirmed that it's a game problem, I reset the options, changed only the resolution and ran the game with all my fancy 4k mods and my GPU was running at a comfortable 40% load and barely getting warmer. So somewhere in the graphics settings is an option that demands significantly more ressources than even the most power hungry of mods which should not be happening I think. I will try playing around with the options to isolate the problematic one and report back. Edit: I found the issue: The "Reflection Refresh Mode" Option cannot be higher than medium. So in summary: When switching "Reflection Refresh Mode" from "Medium" to "Every Frame" the GPU usage jumps up by 30-40% on my NVIDEA Geforce RTX3060Ti, I will ofc just keep it on medium and enjoy the game but if this issue is reproduceable it might be worth fixing (if possible).
  2. Exactly, this is the safety limit and no, for the graphic hungry games it doesn't reach that high (the only thing that gets close is Warhammer IIs horribly optimized campaign map, but that's a known issue) and before I updated, it ran normal on KSP as well. The weird thing is also that it sometimes instantly jumps to 99% usage when I load into the Launchpad and then stays there. And even a heavily modded KSP should't strain a 3060 like this and I can say that with confidence since it never did that before. I really don't know what could cause such an overreaction from my GPU, since the game runs smoothly I still suspect that KSP somehow demands ressources it doesn't need. But I don't know much about tech so I ultimatly have no idea.
  3. I don't have an EVGA and I already played around with Vsync and Frame limiting, sadly it didn't help. And while mods make the issue worse, I also experience an unusal amount of heat and GPU usage in Vanilla. I tried just ignoring it yesterday since the game ran fine but I don't feel comfortable with my GPU screaming around at up to 90°C when it did just fine before I updated.
  4. Greeting fellow Kerbonauts! I recently updated to Version 1.12 after most mods switched versions, but I noticed that my GPU(NVIDEA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti) load is unusually high since then. Before I was running on 1.10 with quite a few mods and had no issues. But now, both with and without mods, my GPU reaches up to 90% load and has to kick on the fans to a level I simply do not experience in other games that should in theory be way more demanding. The weird thing is, that even with 99% usage and almost worrying temperatures the game runs smoothly which makes the thing very weird, if my GPU would struggle because of any real load I would certainly suffer from performance issues, but I don't! In all my tests (launching a 3 part rocket on kerbal) with 3 clean installs, the issue persisted, both with and without mods. This only happend when launching a rocket, the menues and VAB were completly calm. And yes, my drivers are updated and frame limiting is active. Is it a problem with my GPU or is there any Graphics option in KSP that is way more demanding than it should be? I really just want to play KSP without my GPU rivaling the noise level of a Panther Engine!
  5. A friend and I had the same problem too, while I almost shot my PC my friend tested around a bit and found out that turning Ground Scatter of in the options solves it. I tested it myself and it worked. I got back from 5fps to 60 when landing with a mediumsized lander. Yet again it seems to be a problem with Kopernicus or one of the other Graphic Mods as Vanilla has nothing against scatter. I hope this helps you and some others.
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