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  1. I've configured various iterations of docking ports connected to robotic pieces, such as pistons, hinges, and servos. There is a clear limitation to using docking ports on the robotic pieces, as testing on Kerbin constantly results in docked vehicles continuously jostling, shifting, and moving. This occurs regardless of whether robotic parts are locked, toggled on, or wheels of vechicles are powered, or brakes applied. Before I spent any time exploring the Breaking Ground expansion capabilities on other Kealestial bodies, I did what any engineer would do: test first. As this feature has been broken since the expansion, I have not played KSP and have been waiting for this critical defect to be resolved. After checking today, it appears that this behavior is yet to be resolved in game. In addtition, the Bugtracker actually marked it as a new low-priority defect, and burried it in the backlog. As these Breaking Ground robotic configurations are one of the major highlights of this expansion, marking a game-breaking defect as low-priority is a bit dumbfounding. I apologize for not including pictures, but anyone who configures two vehicles to dock on Kerbin with ports attached to robotic parts should be able to replicate, as seen in other posts above. I've had much love of this project over the course of its development and maturation process. I hope that this latest expansion is not indicative of production quality going forward.
  2. Hey Mr. Blue, It needs to go inside your Kerbal Space Program folder, go to Game Data and setup a folder called SquadExpansion. Paste the update in this folder and you should be good to go! The DLC is called Serenity for me, so not sure if that's right as the Making History DLC is in a folder in the same SquadExpansion folder called MakingHistory. Don't think there are other files elsewhere but I could be wrong!
  3. Attaching via docking port or docking port junior results in this behavior. Doesn't matter how slow the approach, certainly shouldn't be an issue with physics, and yes, I'm too lazy to take screenshots. To be perfectly honest, it should have been one of the first checklist items from QA: does it work on Kerbin? No? Ah well, might work in space so we can ship it out just fine. To be more detailed on this rather obvious bug, let's go to Gherkin mode: Background: No exact names of vehicles components will be named Given I have a ground vehicle on Kerbin And the vehicle has at least 8 large wheels And the vehicle has a large horizontal surface area And the vehicle has significant mass And I start from the airstrip And drive off the airstrip When I spawn another vehicle to connect to the aforementioned vehicle And I spawn the vehicle on the airstrip And drive off the airstrip with the newly spawned vehicle And connect the vehicles together Then the resulting composite vehicle shakes and wobbles Scenarios same spawned vehicle different modifications on the same platform completely different vehicles small vehicles with more chained together (i.e. 3 or more) ports aligned with direct connection ports aligned with robotic attachments unaligned ports with robotic attachments with all robotic mechanisms powered with no robotic mechanisms powered with some robotic mechanisms powered all wheels motorize (i.e. motor on) no wheels motorized (i.e. motors off) some wheels motorized (i.e. some on and some off) with brakes on with brakes off vehicles with electric charge vehicles without electric charge (probably more)
  4. Attaching two or more ground vehicles together on Kerbin results in random motions on the resultant vehicle. This makes any complex buildings unfeasible. I did not invest more time seeing if the same phenomena occurs in orbit or on other astral bodies. This should be seen as a somewhat critical bug as the main reason I bough the expansion was to make complex dynamic structures and or vehicles, which becomes impossible with this bug as the effect amplifies with more objects until vehicles destroy themselves. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, removed all mods, and the problem persists on the basic install (i.e. sans mods).
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