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Everything posted by Shellman035

  1. I'm an Xbox one user, and am using the KSP version:, and I use the default controller configuration. I have a problem not completing missions having to do with "activate part through staging when all conditions met" AND if it's an engine test. whether it's on the launchpad, or in flight it always seems to happen with the "activate through staging" tests. The second I activate or stage the part OR click on the "Run Test" button, the engine fires and even with setting thrust to minimal and using liquid rockets to "hold" my conditions in the green, I can't get run test to work. I've read the forums here and on Steam to no avail. I've tried every combination of actions from these forums to run the test with no success; the "run test" button just doesn't "work" (although it does ignite engine if it's an engine test) I've even tried cheating by setting fuel and limiting thrust to help put, and keep the test conditions checked green leading into and during the test (on engine tests on launchpad); nothing works. Missions that say "run test" work fine but if it says "activate part through staging seq." it won't work. I also often run two controllers; I read another thread that said there were problems with this and I need to look into it still.
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