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Everything posted by tkalm

  1. Okay, so this is startingto deepen the question for me. Cause, my game is 1.7.3 and the crash log was updated from yesterday. But the responses have been good... other than the one telling me to update windows. I'll try with a clean install, I deleted data from the GameData, but there are a couple Steam mods I have, I'll probably try that once I get home from work.
  2. I've stepped away from KSP for a little while, and recently came back to it. Added some of my favorite old mods, and a couple others. My mods are DockingPortAlignment 6.8.3 , FilterExtension 1.7.2- KAS_v1.4 KittopiaTech-1.7.3-1 KSPIE+1.23.2 MechJeb2 NearFutureElectric, NearFutureLaunchVehicles, Near Future Propulsion, OPT, PhotonSailor, TacLifeSupport, TransferWindow Planner, USITools It always gets to RCS tank 25 before crashing. crash.dmp Output log Error log
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