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Everything posted by TheLunaticist

  1. I'm trying to add parts to a active vessel and have spend quite some time on research. I only found people recommending reading the KAS/KIS mod github, but I am not able to make any sense of what is done in the mod to add new parts because the mod is split up in so many different text documents which makes it impossible to read for me. (A terrible amateur coder) Could you tell me what it takes to add new parts to vessels? (I don't need a super detailed explantation but a list of requirements or an example would be nice)
  2. That might be true, but as I stated I want to write a plugin myself and what I want to do is not doable with the mods you suggested.
  3. I'm trying to make a plugin that allows you to build ships midflight, but I'm having trouble adding parts to existing ships. I have tried adding "Part" instances to the "vessel.parts" list, but I lack something to fill the "Part" constructors with. How should I go about adding new parts to a vessel midflight?
  4. How can I add Buttons to my custom part? (Example: EVA out of command capsule, activating any science Experiment, deploying drills) I figured out that it must be something in the partModule Code but I can't figure it out. (Also how can I disable the Editor spellcheck?)
  5. So I've been trying to make a plug-in for this game, but I have the Problem that I don't know which .net sdk Version is required.
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