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Sitting Duck

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  1. Sitting Duck's post in Transfer craft between two campaigns? was marked as the answer   
    Fairly easy to do (I tested it):
    Go to the folder you want to copy the ships FROM. Anything in brackets, below, is a variable you'll need to recognize. C:\Users\[YourWindowsLoginName]\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\[YourCampaign#1]\Workspaces Each ship/build will have three file types: JPG, JSON, and META. Select and copy all three files for each ship/build you want to transfer. They will have names you gave them when you saved them. If you didn't name them, then they'll be marked with "AutoSave [Campaign Name][Date/Time]" Go to the folder you want to copy the ships TO. C:\Users\[YourWindowsLoginName]\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\[YourCampaign#2]\Workspaces Paste your copied files into this [YourCampaign#2] Workspaces folder. Run the game. That's it.
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