After creating a ship to go to the mun virtually without any problem at all, my next, larger ship is giving me all kinds of grief.
First of all, in an effort to increase the thrust of my first stage, and lacking any decent SRB's (the Hammer seems so short-lived as to be practically useless) I attached a couple of Mainsail engines and liquid fuel tanks onto my Mammoth engines and their tanks. The problem is that when I used a single radial coupler on each of the side structures, they would bow outwards similar to the picture below. So I figured that could be remedied by putting one coupler on each tank segment such that there will be four couplers holding the side structures to the main rocket. But even with the multiple couplers, I get the same problem. In fact, it does't seem as though the multiple tank segments are using the couplers I provided.
Finally, I have found it virtually impossible to maneuver this ship. I don't need translation so I thought that reaction wheels would be sufficient. I put an advanced reaction wheel module in what is more or less the middle of the ship but once I am not using my thrusters, I have almost no control. I tried adding four RCS thrusters near the center of mass but it still seems like that barely helped at all.
What am I missing?