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Milford Green Bean

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  1. Its just us trying to get to the moon. I have 3 more days to work on it and its not looking too good lol. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  2. Any tips for getting to the moon?

    1. fulgur


      I just posted a long, long reply in your 'Help Us!' thread. Also use the KSP wiki, they have some good (if a little outdated) tutorials there.

  3. I got Milford back! After a week of trying to figure it out to getting help from everyone, we got him! Thanks for all the help guys! :D


  4. Hello people! (if anyone even sees this lol) We are new to all of this and we have a few questions. First we have no idea about how these forums work so that's cool i guess. Also we were playing a while back and our favorite Kerbal (Milford) disappeared. We were going to try and get him to the moon but he is gone! We are doing this for a school project so we need help ASAP! We have never played before so its kinda difficult getting started. We even restarted our whole game and Milford wasn't there. We are playing in sandbox so it will be easier btw. We hired 548 Kerbals and NO MILFORD! We hope we are posting this in the right place. If not, sorry and we will take it down . Anyways thanks for taking your time to help us save Milford and taking your time to read this. Have a nice day! -Project Save Milford ( no this isnt a troll)
  5. Thanks for the help! We are new to all of this and we dont know how this all work lol. Thanks again! -Milford
  6. bruh we kill our man Milford and we have even restarted the game and he isnt here so we are done with this. We also need help trying to get to the moon and getting our man Milford back. Sorry guys we are new to this game and we dont know how to do amything lol. Thanks, green beans
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