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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Windows 10 with the latest version of KSP and CKAN won't let me install it says its incompatible please help.
  2. My contribution: (I hope its not too long) KerbinInSpace = As we gaze down upon the planet below us it truly makes one feel so much like a giant to gaze down upon the home world. Yet also so small to see everything you once new looking so insignificant from this vantage. Kerbin was a cradle and our sun like a magnificent father so grossly incandescent. Today we grow up, and head out into space to visit the brother’s and sisters of our world. We know not yet what we may find, but we do know that we will find it out there amongst the stars.
  3. The Landing autopilot is in serious need of work. Sometimes its perfect, Spot on gentle textbook landings. But most of the time my landings are going great until the VERY last second the whole thing flips out rolls over and explodes because right before landing the retrograde marker on the navball likes to wander off and mechjeb tries to chase it without considering that its like 5m above the surface. Sometimes it tries to do this about 50+ above the surface and next thing I know my ship is doing backflips as it constantly overcorrects itself and ends up doing a nosedive into the ground. This needs to be worked out.
  4. Just got it last night and tried it today: This was my experience. Glitch 1. Mechjeb has no background in its menus its just free floating text. Glitch 2. I found out by enabling fallback shaders it fixes glitch 1. BUT causes cockpit windows to become solid white. Suggested solution: Get rid of transparent backgrounds for mechjeb menu so fallback shaders aren't required. Glitch 3. Rendevous module no longer aligns orbits automatically even with autopilot enabled It just sets a marker and does nothing
  5. Could someone make a youtube video tutorial for how to use RinComp? I\'ve played with it but it doesn\'t seem to really do anything. Or maybe I\'m just impatient and/or don\'t understand what I\'m doing so seeing someone walking us through how to use it would be great.
  6. Is there a tutorial for how the VA capsule parts go together. I\'m confused. Some parts say they go over the capsule, and obviously you mount the parachute on top of that then its worded in the descriptions like parts over the parachute but I can\'t mount things over the parachute I\'m lost could you include a craft file so I can see how it all goes together?
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