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Everything posted by BrettDah
Hello there, First keep pup the great work on CKAN Second happy new year ! (in France we can say it until the 1/02 excluded) Then the concerning the way Steam works, I was surprise at fist when playing A game started directly throught the exe was not reporting the play time. Steam is creating icons with a URL "steam://" and I think what is the ID of the game may be adding an option to start the game that way is the solution to this particular problem... Well it seems it's already existing : "the game command line option" for me the KSP2 icon execute this : steam://rungameid/954850 if I change the command line steam is launched then the Intercept Laucher like if I start the game througt steam So if any steam user can provide there game ID or confirm that it is the same adding an option to start throught Steam whould not be to complicated Finaly my CKAN does not want to update to the latest update I'm blocked at 1.33.2 should I just download the latest release and install it or should I look for a particular option or start CKAN with a parameter... And by the way is there a way to have 2 shortcut for CKAN one for KSP and one for KSP2 instead of selecting the game at launch ? [EDIT] Went on the CKAN Settings and used the Check for update option (it seems the auto check at launch was broken somehow) But this option worked ! Niven installed correctly and solved another Issue I had.. with a few mods... I was searching the check for update in the "about" help section (like on browsers some other app I have seen)
hello there, it seems my CKAN does not want to see this update I'm still in 1.1.0 I'm in Europe, France to be more precise. I tryied many time to refresh the mod list but with no result. I have : * UITK for KSP2 2.4.1 * BepInEx 1.7.0 * SpaceWarp 1.7.0 * NodeManager 0.7.1 Other mod I that I have installed in case * Alarm Clock => 1.2.1 * Commlines => 1.0.2 * Custom Flags => 3.1.2 * Dark Mode for KSP2 => v0.2.0.0 * Flight Plan => 0.9.0 * K2-D2 => v0.12.1 * Lazy Orbit Boosted => 0.6.0 * Micro Engineer => 1.7.1 So my question is how to force CKAN to install the latest version if it's not deplaying ? Oh and I have CKAN 1.33.2 it seems like there is a new version 1.34.4 but CKAN did not update either... Yet all is not broken I could install and update other mods while waiting for CKAN to show me the new version of this mod But it's almost 1 month now [Edit] It was the auto-update at launch that was broken on my CKAN and I just found back (or remember from a long long time ago when I was checking all options (and playing KSP [1]) where was the manual check for update now I can install many updated mod and this one is on the new update available list so well sorry for the "noise"
[1.12.x] ResearchBodies V1.13.0 (15th May 2022)
BrettDah replied to JPLRepo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Yep... thanks for the tip I'll do that from now It have it without the TST Ok too Bad TST doesn't had the picture hability... I'll try that thanks yep that's why I foud it weird to have those Orbits... same here and I think so too, because those ask for being over 200 km so you can't do it from the ground ^^ Yeah conting down as soon as you accepted the quest... may be If you don't put a scope in orbit it will go failed at the end of the count down... But I'm don't like to fail so did not that happen... That's why I quoted you in my first post since the modder said afterward that the KSP 1.8 version of its mod was out and needed the CC up to date top... I was merly saying that even with the new version we got the same strange behaviour... Another thing in the observatory I can't seem to move down the contract in the research body contextual area the slide bar does not want to move... or it go up as soon as it move... Yet I just saw that it refers to the mission controle to see all contracts... That said I need to send a new scope to take some pictures -
[1.12.x] ResearchBodies V1.13.0 (15th May 2022)
BrettDah replied to JPLRepo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Here are a few screenshot (I didn't have Tarsier Space Technology until now but it was something that I think the telescope was Laking - with a big "L" -) (the galery integration from imgur does not seems to work as I would have expected...) Has you can see in the VAB this scope have the hability to track bodies In the screen where I show my contracts from the telescope you can see that it would only require time now, but in the mission control the sub objectives does not seems to be met... Then the orbits yellow and purple are from REPOSoftTech as the 2 contracts that want me to scan for bodies... The only other one from them about doing something in space is to save a Kerbal... else it's just : - Search the sky (long term reasearch from the observatory) - Research a Celestia Body from the long term task of the celestial body -
[1.12.x] ResearchBodies V1.13.0 (15th May 2022)
BrettDah replied to JPLRepo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hello there, Ok I just tried this mod and there is a few things odd to me... so first what I understood : In early game you will have a telescope... you need to put it in orbit and scan the sky randomly... ok I got a few descoveries... hen you need to start some research to found at their orbits... fine I can work with that ! Now after a almost 50 days the search is about 10% in the observatory if that normal ? I would have expected it to be faster.... In the mission control I Have 2 missions looking like that with 2 orbits drown on the map screen but no indication about their specs... The Only Difference is that I got the lines : You must have a Telescope part with MTB on your vessel => completed with module Track Bodies => incomplete Count at least 1 => Incomplete The vessel must be in orbit above 200km => completed Destination Kerbin => Incomplete Situation Orbit => Incomplete Altitude Above 200km Incomplete What is the meaning of 'count at list 1' ? - Sould I descover 1 body, - Or should I have at least 1 telescope in orbit ? - And If I have 2 contract asking for 1 telescope, does I need 1 or 2 ? Usualy to put a sat in orbit you have the orbit spec - AP/PE - Inclinaison - PE argument (basicaly translated from French... using MJ2 I don't seem to be able to use it to set the orbits for my sats...but that not the problem here) - the longitude for the Ascending mod.... - a variable that expresse the precision moderate/precise (I don't remember other options) and when you reach the requirement for the Orbit the help trace will desapear.... but here I need to check the AP/PE then align as best as I can the healp trace and my orbit but I don't seem to be precise enogh, as the trace stay on screen... (I will do some capture I you want) So on the default tool bar I require 3 things the Module to track the bodies, the altitude of the orbits those are checked.... then there is the time... will the contract be succeded after the time is elapse ? if for exemple I just put the "hubble" in orbit and don't scan for new planets ? I'm on KSP 1.8 all mods installed with CKAN : - Contract Config 1.28 - ResearchBodies 1.11 thanks -
Hello there, @allista Since 1.8, KSP fail to load, I already tried with just Hangar and dependencies it's the same here a screenshot after a few minutes... You got the log on giithub hangar issue #205 I think (and kind of hope ^^) you are busy working on it, that's why you didn't answer on github yet if you didn't had time yet I also understand real life is and always should be the priority is just that I'm unemployed right now and my days are a bit long without KSP ^^ I installed the mods throught CKAN and since the issue : I tried to download from Github and merge with the files already existing... in player.log, only log that seems available to me, because output_log is not yet modified... You can see that just after the line where hangar2 is mentioned you have thist stack trace : ``` MissingFieldException: Field 'KSPWheelController.wheelCollider' not found. at AT_Utils.Metric..ctor (Part part, System.Boolean compute_hull, System.Boolean world_space) [0x00032] in <884dc0722e2f44d080ac1ddc449a08e3>:0 at AtHangar.HangarStorage.update_metrics () [0x00007] in <c81168d2437b4b7f825fb29f686a5dfd>:0 at AtHangar.HangarStorage.GetInfo () [0x0002d] in <c81168d2437b4b7f825fb29f686a5dfd>:0 at PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) [0x0024c] in <5b6ca6486e0b47a1bce39cde5a91b986>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () [0x006ea] in <5b6ca6486e0b47a1bce39cde5a91b986>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 ```
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Where do that happen ? I got a similar problem rover not stable at all... but it does not explode, on minmus and the mun but with an auto pilote it's OK using mechJeb rover auto pilote when near my target and bon voyage to send my rover near the target. Did you try to launch on the runaway, before extra planetary ? with and without the Hangar to see if it's not the achor the problem... I did not use achor or may be anchors for my designs... another thing to look at Maybe it's a design problem, can you screenshot before the launch and explosion of your car ? Did you try other hangar type ? like the rover lander or anything else ?
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Hello there, I ancountered "bug", a few days ago, was that the fairing rover part was staged after jumping to the ship... I'm using MechJeb (MJ2) and it seems it was him that was responnsible for that. At first upon staging I launched the console to see what happened, and saw error about the ship that does not exist in AtmosphereAutopilot config files... so I disabled it but I still got that bug... then I saw information message from MechJeb mod loading buttons... and a message that the game was switching to the rover inside the fairing (I kept a save from that for debug purpose). I knew MJ2 has autostage capability. So I desabled it, load the game switch to the ship waited for staging but nothing happened. so I exited, alt+F4, and activated MJ2 again and uppon loading to the ship I could continue it's journey... I know I've got a few stacktrace in my logs that I should look at first but I wanted to tell you about that ... So Recap : - I sent a fairing rover (hangar?) on it's way to minmus. it was a few days trips so I jumped to the the space center to send another to the Mun. - I did few others contracts - When it was a few hours to the maneuver node to go to minus orbit jumped back to my rover fairing lander. - It stage upon loading :'( - Then read the consoles message disabled AtmosphereAutopilot (after I tried to put a blank file or another ship file with the name of my ship cause I took 2 files and compare them, no differences were found) - Tried again and disabled MJ2 (after checking all MJ2 menu to be sure there is no autostage checked before jumping to my ship) - Tried again and Exit - Activated MJ2 again then load directly to the ship (Quick launch mod) - All good time warped to maneuver and landed on minus ( to be safe and continue my contracts ). I'm ready to help investigate that whenever you have time
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Hi Yep that was the question you pinpoint it thank you I'm about to edit my post I saw that I've got 2 mod by @allista Hangar and GC and speaking of both there... not a great Idea for a first post. Edit : done
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Hi, I just start to use your mod and after reading a bit this post I saw that you got trouble with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. I saw you that you fixed it a first time and after an uptade it seems to be broken again... I can confirm that I have that problem. So, I'm using CKAN and with KJR next in my active mod list with - the dockable kit in the wrong way (meaning the circle not docked to the station but facing outside as soon as I add a vessel the kit will grow and detach it self. - if in the right position like it's on your videos, and all the Image I could see here... the kit will grow then explode, console show some colisions before the explosion Without KJR next I just did the 2nd test : - the kit grow and I can access the next part, choosing to launch, dock, and the launch "direction" if I remember corectly ... Could give use an update on the fix ? I think I used Editor Extensions Redux to : - struts to the heaviest part - and Activate Rigidity [deleted a part about a bug in Hangar, will post it in the right topic] I'm ready to help investigate that whenever you have time and A question about the log files if someone can answer that should be great... how the game manage his logs is it trash every log files when loading or something else and what ? to know when I should keep my logs when I find a bug like that and do some test... instead of redo them to save a clean file I would just keep the files while just trying things Thanks!
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