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Everything posted by CDR_flow

  1. Yeah I have some wireless Logitech software and afterburner, the usual. I’ll start uninstalling some stuff and maybe try running it with firewall off and see if anything improves
  2. So, update. I did everything I stated in my previous post, and the game crashed identically. Went to verify the game files before I ran the game, fine. After crash? Missing two files. I haven’t ran the game again because I know what will happen. Pretty bummed out atm.
  3. I'll try, for science. Edit: I’ve deleted my entire game folder along with steam, deleted all registry items related to steam and steam games, and am reinstalling the game right now. There wasn’t a lot there anyway, so nbd. Probably overkill, but whatever.
  4. Correct, I have no mods. That was the first thing I did, check the game file. It did find two files that it needed to download, I did that, and this particular crash happened after that download. The interesting thing happening now is I verified the integrity of the game file just now, and it found one file that needed to be acquired. I downloaded that file, then checked again to make sure it was good to go, it was. I launched the game, and the same crash happened. So, I checked the integrity of the game file again--one file missing, downloaded it and checked twice, ran the game, same crash. So, I checked the game file again, guess how many files were missing according to the file checker: one again. So, that's the current loop I'm in. File is screwed up, fix the file, crash, file is screwed up. One thing i did before getting on the forums was uninstall the game via steam, and reinstall the game, I had the same crash before and after. Any additional troubleshooting you all could recommend would be appreciated.
  5. I have several .dmp files, here's one of them. If you need more examples I can get them, this is the easiest crash to recreate. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NpJg4nj0A0GlvXi5ivCdKM_e69itzHkz I really appreciate you all looking at this, this game is one of the reasons i built a PC, so I'd be super bummed out if I cant run it.
  6. Gotchya. I found a couple of files, not sure which you'll need so here they both are: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GFcqS8_9_227nkKum1-4iSkEtBWcpaBt/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j8BfxEbzhNhYrDHPaBrVPADC4RwTVXT3/view?usp=sharing
  7. I've just downloaded KSP for the first time via Steam. The game loads up fine, but after creating my first vehicle, and upon clicking "save" for the first time, the game crashed. Hoping this was a one off thing, but knowing it probably wasn't, I launched the game again. Now whenever I try to load the VAB, the game displays the successful loaded vehicle for a moment, the game appears to hang, and then crashes to desktop. Now my computer is relatively new, so I doubt it is a hardware requirements issue, but obviously something is going on. I'm not really sure what to do next, any help would be appreciated. I will provide whatever further information you need. Thanks!
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