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  1. why is it pain in the ass assembling and merging parts. i press "g" key to ease the contact. snap is not working. is this a bug due to too many parts have connecting points or something else i have not discovered yet? Insert image from URL
  2. i meant i had to choose arcade. gages are hard to read even for instrument flight. hsi is too low. altimeter is blurred when landing aproach, it is hard to monitor all of it. beside these, ksp is cool.
  3. anyone who help me for the alternative MK2 cocpit. the current cockpit has limited view and hard to reed velocity at the same time. i hate arcade sims. flying with the limited view and unfriendly gage setup is frustrating.
  4. i am newbie in kerbal. i tried to shutdown twitch rockets, used for stabilizer on oxidiser tank after detaching solid fuel rockets automatically. i tried to set this action from action groups menu. it seems, did not understand the logic. please help me. i am stuck with this. i am unable to insert image. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ODLoouwcKZNyeHIjst6YmNkXWDvk5UL-
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