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Everything posted by Amity

  1. So I have managed to narrow it down some. I installed a completely new KSP and started adding the mods necessary to make my career save loadable. This was a revelation. There was so much crap in my old KSP install folder! And in some cases, the module dependencies are totally different now. Anyway I got to the point where I could load my big fat career game and open one of my big vessels that gives me right click problems. Instead of totally failing to give me right-click menus, now the menus appear, but only intermittently! Like, every 2nd or 3rd right-click. I experimented a lot with tweaks and here is what I found: - it is more likely to work (close to 100% success) if I have angled the part I want to click on so that there are no other parts in front or behind it (solar panels and radiators make this easy for example) - on a planet, it is more likely to work if the camera is angled so that the part is set against the sky rather than the ground (why??!?) - overall the success rate is greatly improved when I take measures to cool my cpu -- apparently this is performance related? So that could be the root cause of it all? Does any of that match what you have seen? I am running my KSP on a little old Mac laptop so that might be why?
  2. Thanks for the helpful advice! I have not been able to figure out what I should expect to see in Player.log. I am still struggling with the "make sure your addons are up to date" step, but I am getting there. Thanks for this advice, it definitely works in that I now have verbose logging in my KSP.log. I don't know if I have learned anything from that though! There seem to be a lot of ERR messages in the log, but on researching them it seems that a lot of them are just things that I should ignore? Anyway this is a good next step.
  3. Hello! I have an issue that I have detailed elsewhere, and since it does not seem that anyone can help, I am trying to debug it more on my own. To that end: where can I go to get detailed debugging information that might not be visible anywhere else? Specifically, I am trying to get information on possible pop-up window failures. Is there general information anywhere for players on how to debug these problems in depth? Thanks as always for any help!
  4. ETA: more detail about the problem Hello! I don't know if this is a known issue, I couldn't find it anywhere else, so I am asking about it here. The problem is that when I am at certain vessels, but not all, right-clicking on a part does not cause the part's pop-up dialog box to appear on screen. Part dialogs still appear on other vessels, and they appears in the VAB. So I am pretty sure it is not a right-click mouse input issue. There is a weak, partial workaround: I can get some part dialogs to appear by going through the resource tool and selecting a resource, which causes the relevant part dialogs to all pop up for that resource, as expected. I can then pin the dialogs I want and turn off the resource, now free to transfer resources or whatever else I want. But there are some limitations: a) not all the part dialogs appear, sometimes the one I want does not appear; and b) it only works for parts with resources, not (for example) engines, solar panels, etc. The fact that some dialogs never appear leads me to suspect that the dialog is "mapping" to a screen location that is not visible, i.e. off screen. But that is a very tentative hypothesis, I could be wrong. Another piece of supporting evidence is that when I use my system's accessibility features to drive the screen pointer using the keyboard only, I can generate right-click events just fine everywhere else, it's just that on these certain "bad" vessels, the right-click does not display any dialog that I can see. The issue started to appear seemingly spontaneously a few days ago, the only mod I have installed that has been updated in the last few weeks has been Kopernicus, so it doesn't seem like a mod update issue. Has anyone else had this happen recently? Edit: I have narrowed the problem down quite a bit though not yet figured it out, it happens any time there are more than about 220 parts loaded in the same local physics bubble at the same time. Even a new vessel does this on the launch pad -- if I go revert and add one part too many, suddenly the right-click menus all stop appearing! I feel like someone, somewhere must also have had this experience. Anyone??
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