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  1. Started a new Science run in game today, I uninstalled all mods, running Vanilla on everything. Attempted a basic launch to collect science points using a build consisting of: 1x Mk.1 Command Pod - Attached is 2 goo Containers, 2 Mk2-R Radial Mounted Parachutes, 2x Thermometers, 2x Barometers and topped with 1x Mk16 parachutes. Parachutes set at min. Pressure of: 0.04, and altitude of 5,000m. Pod was mounted on top of 6x FL-T100 Fuel Tanks, with a Lv-T45 Engine below. At the beginning the launch was perfect, had no issues getting up to the 95km. Coming down was the issue, it seems that with this latest update, parachutes are NOT effective anymore. Video below contains the entire clip, from launch to crash, seeing as how the parachutes are doing little, if nothing to help slow the descent. Is this a bug, or new feature of this update? Footage Attached is the full save file, and Build ID. R&D - DropBox Build ID - Dropbox Edit: not sure what caused this bug. Restarting the game seemed to have fixed this, but still unsure of why and how this happened... Unable to get output_log.txt as it shows my latest was from 10/12/2019 at 11:35pm EST
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