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  1. Once you become a veteran at something, you often forget what it was like when you were just a newbie. The wonders of something new, the trials you went through, it's as if they never happened. This journal is about my first try at this amazing game, Kerbal Space Program, on hard difficulty, no mission restarts. My lessons will be learned using cold hard Funds, errors paid for with lost reputation and lost Kerbonauts. My skills coming into this are based on doing the first three tutorials, a quick run at moderate difficulty before I realized I could revert flights, and some sandbox play with airplane designs. I had never been to orbit, and I don't read guides except for the in-game encyclopedia. I hope people can enjoy reading these entries, I will finish the game where-ever events take me. If you give me hints about errors I'm making, please, like an advanced civilization, give them vaguely to we undeserving Kerblings. So, let us soon get started.
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