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Another KSP player

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Everything posted by Another KSP player

  1. So about last week I without thinking downloaded the new update for KSP, however I completely forgot to check that my mods wouldn't become an issue. So the next thing I know when I open KSP it doesn't even make it past the loading screen. I figured out through messing with the files that a mod I had installed called "surface lights" or something like that was causing the issue. I removed the mod from my game data and re opened the game. However, this time the issue was that my save game that I have been working on for 2 years was not loading. An error message would appear saying that a certain ship was missing x number parts (aka a ship i just launched had those same stupid surface lights on them) and asked if I would still like to continue, I clicked yes however it would just glitch out and nothing would happen. I tried everything I could think of: Removing the craft file, removing a recent quicksave so that only the quicksave I had from before I built the craft was there, and ive been researching everywhere since but ive hit many dead ends. I managed to just take the entire save and copy it onto my desktop for safekeeping and ive uninstalled the game. I am going to reinstall it to see if I can try a couple more things but Im not getting anywhere and I'd thought I'd give this a try. Edit: Thank you all for your help, recently I discovered the betas tab and was able to load the last update and everything was functional. I removed the craft that was causing the issues, quicksaved, and removed another quicksave file that was causing issues. I will try removing the persistent files and see what happens. Worst comes to worse I still have a copy of the original save. If it still acts up I'll evaluate the situation in terms of testing all the mods I have. And for now I managed to load up another world in the meantime to have some fun with the new update lol.
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