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Everything posted by Falkon71

  1. I'm having the same issue with the "M" key not functioning properly and having to use the "global map" icon. However, I can not switch back from solar system view to the ship view. After I noticed the problem, I used Steam to verify the integrity of game files and 2 were corrupt. I started the game again. Still experienced the same problem. Went back to verify game files and 1 file was still corrupt. Reverified and all files were good. Started game. Same problem. Went to Steam and one file was corrupt. Something in the game is causing it to corrupt it's own files. I'm currently missing 2 unKerballed (unmanned) ships from my Tracking Station and no longer controllable or even visible - one was a probe landed on Minmus which I set to the type - science. It was still showing multiple lines of green ComNet access, but I could not see probe, nor access it in any way. The second was a two part space station with two probe command consoles and a lander can with no Kerbals on board. It's disappeared and no longer visible even though all the stages I used to get the station there are still showing up as debris. Very frustrating.
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