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  1. For those that run into this same problem, I believe it was a conflict between gsync and vsync being enabled. GSync was enabled for all games, but in the KSP graphics settings vsync was enabled. Disabling it seemed to fix the problem.
  2. Hello, I'm currently running into artifacting graphics issues in KSP that are making the game unplayable. I have an rtx 2070 with gsync. GPU Temps are 50c, so very safe, and cpu temps are 70 degrees c. I have the latest NVIDIA drivers. Other games are not experiening artifacting. Some of the things im seeing: 1. When launching a craft or orbiting Kerbin, the background galaxy and stars flicker significantly, but the craft itself doesn't flicker. 2. The Kerbal pictures in the bottom left corner sometimes become partially black. 3. In the main menu there are no stars and the background is completely black with Kerbin being rendered perfectly. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? No mods, fresh installing, hard career, both DLCs.
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