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Everything posted by Shelecktra

  1. Craft file is on KerbalX (Link to my KerbalX on my channel) The way this thing handles is absolutely insane - Ignore my slow flying with it, it can go faster, it's just too much fun at slow speeds to even want to go faster! Enjoy!
  2. As the title suggests, I made the plane, flew it about for a while, was very happy with the result. Reverted to SPH and this happened. It happens every time I load it too even though the mini-icon in the craft folder looks like it should. If you need any info let me know How it should look https://imgur.com/rgDy73t Sat on the runway fine after hitting launch https://imgur.com/ktbXmnr Every time I hit revert or load it up again... https://imgur.com/4nc5KjU
  3. Do hope this is allowed here - It is a KSP build! Its just a very cute and odd looking craft thats been around for over half a century and still goes to this day. And it featured in a movie!
  4. Because if you have, then this video may just make you raise an eyebrow or two! Enjoy!
  5. I was on Reddit yesterday and someone mentioned this concept and it appealed to me because I like to do multi-shuttle launches or things that are just generally odd and challenging It's an OPT variant, you will only need OPT and Tweakscale to use this craft for yourself. Craft file is on KerbalX if you want to play about with it yourself.
  6. Hi! So, I played out a mission yesterday where i said i would put out a video explaining how you make Skycranes work in KSP, so here it is! Hopefully someone will get their VTOLs working now, enjoy! Keep the pointy side up!
  7. Hey! So while on a convo on another forum we got a reply from someone asking to upload a video, neither me nor the OP got a reply as to whether they wanted me or the OP to do it so, here we go! Keep the pointy side up!
  8. Hi all! I have been recording some stuff I do lately with hopes of getting the majority of it on YouTube for people to take a look at and maybe get some ideas. My first major one has started with the Orbital Assault Course, would really appreciate if you would check it out! Thanks
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