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Yamiko Hikari

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Everything posted by Yamiko Hikari

  1. Okay, I see. I suspected something like that cause the more I play the game the less free space I have. I will also delete player-prev.log as well then. Thank you!
  2. Yeah, gigabytes I don't know if that's normal but I also got amazed when I noticed that
  3. My player.log file in AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program is about 18 gb. I wonder if I can delete this file without any issues to clear out all that space and continue playing the game normally. I can't even read this file with any text editor cause it's so big so I have no idea what it's for. Also, player-prev.log is about 6 gb so I'd like to delete it as well
  4. For some reason in my game the boosters, both Falcon 9 and Falcon 9 FT, don't cost anything by themselves. The fuel in them does cost around 20k but when I empty them out the cost is just 0. I looked through the cfg files of these parts and their cost is set to 5750, but in-game it's just 0. Can you please help me fix this? I'd like the boosters themselves without any resources in them to cost at least something (but preferably I would even like to significantly increase their cost, just for my own game). P.S. I think I managed to change it though I still don't completely understand how it works or at least why it works this way. I changed the cost in the cfg file from 5750 to 57500 and now an empty booster costs 29740 and when it's full it costs 57500. So maybe I misunderstood how the cost parameter in cfg files works.
  5. Yeah I'm using grid fins for that. I don't think using both parachutes and engines would be effective though that's just my guess (and it's not as fun for me). Quite a strong SAS and RCS keep my boosters oriented prograde
  6. oh wow, I didn't think about that. I wonder how accurate it is. As in, how can it calculate if a stage will be able to perform a propulsive landing. Now I will definitely try this mod
  7. Now that I think of it, Kerbal Construction Time might make it even more interesting. I might try it in the future and maybe recovering boosters will be more logical there. When it comes to a recovery mod, I use FMRS, but I suppose StageRecovery is used for parachutes
  8. Hmm, I see your point and that's one of the factors I'm involving when I think on this topic but I'm not sure if such contracts are really that profitable and for me they are quite boring as well Also, I'm going to send out quite a lot of heavy huge crafts for extraplanetary bases and such. That doesn't give me much money back and requires heavy boosters But anyway, you're right, overall it's something I enjoy so of course I will keep doing it regardless of how effecient it is (And I liked your answer)
  9. Wow, that actually seems to be exactly what I need! I will check it out soon. Thank you for such a fast and useful reply!
  10. I got really inspired by SpaceX to use propulsive landing in KSP and so far it's been quite a fun experience. But pretty much from the start I wondered if it's more economical to use propulsive landing in KSP rather than parachutes. I understand the reasons why SpaceX uses enginess for landing but KSP is a whole different story. The biggest question I have and I am already trying to figure it out with math and tests is whether using propulsive landing becomes profitable with much bigger boosters. So perhaps if you're trying to land an 8t booster it's effective to bring and use parachutes, but landing a 25t booster (that's what mine weighs without fuel) would require too many parachutes to land it safely. I'm not even completely sure how to effectively use parachutes in KSP so that's a bit of a problem for me ;D I'm also currently playing in career mode so spending 44000 on a booster is not very pleasant. That's another reason why I'm so eager to recover them. Maybe when I figure this out in non-RO KSP I will move to Realism Overhaul and RSS and try to figure this there. That will be real hell but at least I suppose in RO propulsive landing will have more reasons to be used
  11. Is it possible to make it so that the engine automatically shuts down when the fuel capacity reaches a certain level (either in % or just units)? I'd like my 1st stage to keep some fuel in it for a propulsive landing without me having to intensely looking at the fuel bar waiting to decouple it at the right moment. Maybe that's somehow possible without mods but maybe there is a mod that has such functionality? Only KOS comes to my mind in this case but it's too difficult for me I honestly don't really expect there to be such a feature or a mod but it's still a question worth asking
  12. Thank you for answering! I'm not sure how rare such contracts are but this one was "exceptional" so I guess I won't be seeing such one in the nearest future in this save (I ended up not accepting it at all)
  13. In career mode I got a pretty big contract which offers me 1 mln credits for 3000 units of ore from Minmus but I don't yet have the technology to mine and store ore. I wonder if I will temporarily receive ore tanks and drills if I accept this. Does anybody know? I know that "test some rocket part" contracts give you the required part if you don't already have it so maybe here it's the same case. I don't dare check it myself cause failing the contract in case they don't give me drills and tanks will be extremely detrimental
  14. I have a 1.8.1 KSP modded install. I've been playing it for over a week and it's been fine. Today I launched the same save file and the icons for different mods and stats are working weirdly. When clicking the icons/buttons, that are in the right bottom corner of the screen when you're on the KSC screen, the whole game just minimizes. It happens both with mod icons, such as TAC LS, Remotetech, Alarm Clock and others (happens to all of them), and non-mod icons such as active contracts, messages and informational icons in the tracking station screen that show the information about a planet for example. The game is in 1920x1080 fullscreen and switching to windowed mode fixes the issue, but obviously I'd really like to keep playing in fullscreen, so I'd really appreciate your help. I already tried verifying integrity of game files through steam. It says around 43 files are corrupted and restores them but the issue still remains after this and running the verification again and gives the same "43 files are corrupted" message.
  15. P.S. I think I understood what the issue was. Since I'm playing in career mode, a lot of functions of different mods are locked until you unlock some tech in the tech tree or upgrade some building. For example how Mechjeb requires upgrades in the tech tree. So basically after unlocking the Advanced Flight Control tech node the trajectories mod icon appeared. I think the issue here is that the mod is working even before you unlock this tech node which is kinda illogical, so maybe that needs a fix. I've tried to look this issue up on the internet but I couldn't find it. First of all, I am playing on version 1.8.1 with quite a few other mods. I can give you a list of them later if needed. I have Trajectories mod installed through CKAN. It works in the game as it's supposed to, shows trajectories and so on, but there's no toolbar icon. Toolbar Controller mod also doesn't recognize and show Trajectories. I tried reinstalling the mod but that doesn't help. So please help me understand how to fix this. The reason why I need it is to be able to only enable it when I actually need it, which is quite rare. This mod actually drops my fps to around 4, so that's almost unplayable, but it's okay I guess. If there's anything I can do to fix such a huge fps drop then please also tell me how to fix it. Thank you for taking time to read this
  16. Thank you and sorry for late response. I suppose it's indeed just an early version of KSP
  17. I've seen a youtuber who has a page view in VAB (and I suppose SPH). Instead of scrolling up and down when looking for different parts, he had buttons on the bottom side of the parts menu (left and right) which switched pages. How can I switch from scrolling to pages? I don't think it was a mod so I suppose it's a built-in option but I can't find it.
  18. Here is a video with a timestamp: KSP: REALISTIC Shuttles are a thing now! I downloaded the shuttle that Matt Lowne built in this video and tried launching it into an orbit as well. I'm doing pretty much everything the same way he did but when it comes to the last burn, which completes the orbit, the maneuver node shows that I need around 900 m/s of delta V to make it. In the video Matt Lowne needs just 200 m/s which is considerably lower. The problem is that this shuttle uses two terrier engines which are not very powerful, yet they can still manage a 200m/s burn in a reasonable time. 900 m/s however is too much. I didn't change any part of his craft and went up to 100km for an orbit the same way he did. I have a few modes installed but none of them are supposed to affect this. I'm completely confused as to why this is happening so please explain what the problem might be. I checked all the updates after the upload date of his video and there was no nerfing of the terrier engine. P.S. Nevermind, I figured it out. I just had to tilt much more after decoupling SRBs so as to use more of the main fuel tank before decoupling it. Now I'm not sure if I should delete this post or let it stay here in case other people might find it helpful
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