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  1. i downloaded this, and its not showing in Career mode. is there something special i need to do? i got the one from here http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ got it working had to add a thing to the part file
  2. yes. the docking portion is great
  3. Ah, gotcha. I do have the Cart mod installed. I was thinking this would be a separate "cart" like the other carts from the cart mod. Thank you for the reply, I will mess around with this! -Driippygoo
  4. Greetings. I downloaded this mod and followed the directions (parts in parts, plugins in plugins) but when I fire up KSP .17 and go to build a new ship, I do not see this awesome truck anywhere to add to a stage. I see the capsule, looks like the front end but bigger. I also see the extra fuel tank. But, on the extra plus their pages, I do not see the truck to add. Would you have an idea to what I might be doing wrong? I do have the cart mod installed, could that be an issue?
  5. All forums links always just send me back to the main forums...never to the page. As in I click the link to the deris mitigation protocols and I dont go to that post, but /forums whats the dilly yoh?
  6. http://ww.reddit.com/r/kerbalspaceprogram The Reddits
  7. Wow I am loving this mod! I am having some issues though. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to build I rocket strong enough to get one of my Mun Stations to orbit. I did get 1 in orbit, but I guess the top of my rocket sucked so bad that I couldn\'t get it turned to make the burn to the Mun. Does anyone have any generic heavy lifter rocket designs that could assist in my troubles? Thanks alot!
  8. I have had this same issue for a long time. Basically, what I have figured out is to deal with it. Im not trying to be snarky, but its a known issue apparently, and only a lucky bunch gets to experiance the lag at launch issues.....it sucks and I hate it. But playing the game outwieghts the hate i guess, I just hope they fix it at some point.
  9. **update** in orbit and deployed, it spun around and pointed at kerbin, but no wing deployment, they stayed the same. screenshot with console open http://i.imgur.com/dTFa8.png *edit* playing around some making sure files in the right spot. i didnt realize in the PluginData folder, the powertech FOLDER had to be the 3 cfg files. working like a charm now..way cool! ;D
  10. do i check that with one in orbit? or can i from the ground? here is a screenshot of what it looks like on my ship during take off http://i.imgur.com/agQkf.jpg when it gets in orbit, i deploy it, and it moves around to point the way it should, but the panels dont open.. im sure im doing something wrong but havent fiurged it out yet
  11. In the PluginData folder,I have 3 files PowerSat.cfg SoyuzSolarPanel.cfg Z02PowerTechSolarPanel.cfg Even when I add the panels on in the VAB they are extended
  12. Love this add-on. One thing though, are the solar panels supposed to be animated? They aren\'t moving for me.
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