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Everything posted by Osiris_is_green

  1. i've gone through those lines of code and nothing was off and ya i used the search function to find it in the vab i'm at a loss. i'm usually pretty good at this stuff but i'm pretty convinced its a mod problem
  2. i would take EVE off then try again i've had issues with EVE got tired of messing with it so i stopped using it.
  3. fuel ducts are not showing up in the vab part menu even though i can see the they are in the research building unlocked and purchased my ksp has been modded pretty heavily (110 mods so ya.....). i'm not sure which which mod could be doing this ckan isn't showing any compatibility problems but with so many mods i'm sure something isn't meant be with something else i really dont want to have to start up the game 110 times each time disabling on mod each time for fuel ducts. everything else is working just fine so that's a lot of work for fuel ducts.
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