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  1. I have a MK7 protective nose cone on my rocket, but the shroud is never deploying. I've tried selecting it and seeing if there's a way to modify it after deployment. I'm on PS4.
  2. Tried with just a single row of decouplers. Still can't get the SRBs to attach to the decouplers.
  3. I'm on Playstation. No mouse. So remove one of the rows of decouplers, attach it and then how to stabilize my SRBs so they don't wobble?
  4. I have a rocket and I want to cluster several SRBs together on my first stage. I put an SRB at the bottom and then added radial decouplers, the ones with the standoffs as shown. Now I want to attach SRBs to each of the decouplers, but I can't get them to align on the decouplers and it keeps attaching them with the decoupler sticking into the SRB or just a flat miss. I've had issues aligning the before, (KSP developers, please pay attention. This needs to be easier.) but nothing like this. It just won't attach. Any tips?
  5. I built my first rocket with an MSL and it's HEAVY. Remember this is early in the game and I'm trying to return from my first landing on Minmus. Problem is that the second chute I added isn't enough. I'm landing on Kerbin at around 10 m/s and it's blowing up my MSL and killing my two scientists and losing all the lovely science I created on minmus. Am I just screwed and have to scrap the mission and start over or can it be rescued somehow?
  6. New Screenshot Thanks for the feedback. It took two Storage Bays to hold the Experiment Storage Unit and wrap it completely to create no surfaces. Launched. No difference. Since the problem happens after all of the SRBs are expended and ejected, I don't think clustering them will help. Still mystified.
  7. Screenshot This is my rocket. I am early in the game and have built the best rocket I can to do science and try to hit orbit. The problem is my rocket tips over after discarding the second SRB. Here's the parts list: MK16 Parachute MK1 Command Pod SC-9001 Science, Jr Experiment Storage Unit (Couldn't figure out how to open it, so I stuck thermometer, goo pod, and barometer on the outside. Also stuck two sets of batteries on it to power the SC-9001 Heat Shield 1.25 MM TD-12 Decoupler (All Decouplers are this one) FL-200 Fuel Tank LV-T30 LRB Decoupler BACC "Thumper" SRB Decoupler RT-10 "Hammer" SRB The Fuel Tank and the BACC Thumper both have four sets of Basic Fins on them. First stage burns fine. I begin angling the rocket at 70 degrees. Separation and second stage also burns fine. Maintain attitude. When separating the second SRB, the rocket begins to tumble forward. Points down and can't get it to right itself. I read about heavy-drag and moved the fins around some. It changes the behavior a bit, but doesn't fix the problem. Ideas?
  8. I am building my first liquid fuel rocket. I have used two stages with the first stage consisting of two fuel tanks and the LV-T45 liquid fuel rocket. I put a decoupler under the capsule and above the fuel tanks that start the bottom stage. When I put the rocket on the launch pad, I hit X (PS4) to launch it and I hear an explosion, but nothing happens. I do it again, explosion, nothing happens. When I look at the flight log it lists stage separations. What am I doing wrong?
  9. I'm working on the advanced construction tutorial and it asks me to adjust the fuel capacity of the RCS engine to 100. I can only change it to multiples of 12, though, so I can't proceed with the Tutorial.
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