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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. 0/10 because I don\'t want to be an accesory to public indecency *off the record* 7/10 funny
  2. All I have of warhammer 40k is a video game, but I\'d like to get some figures. I have the painting stuff because of another figurine I have, all I remember is Cyngar Warjack, if that rings a bell for anyone.
  3. A man with three buttocks Going up to level 21, you find Probert the probe
  4. EDIT: Changed from 24pt to 36pt. Jeb deserves even more. Ah, Jebidiah Kerman, [move][glow=Blue,2,300][shadow=red,left]MASTER OF SPACE[/shadow][/glow][/move]
  5. Ye jus\' derp\'d Trying again... EDIT: Comparison.
  6. I call it BigRigMk7 Cheers That looks like a flight sim. I have a friend who could probably identify both the flight sim and the plane just from that image, but he\'s too busy griping about the quality of his $50 joystick and how unrealistic the H.A.W.X. series is. On a more related note: Wallah, wallah! All hail HarvesteR!
  7. Murphy\'s law states you\'ll lose. In response to myself:
  8. Apparently I\'m underweight. Next person to post eats cats! food advertised by ^
  9. Heheh thanks guys. Now lets do thi- BOOM! Yeah, add some more struts to that middle part. It keeps falling off.
  10. 7/10 I ignored the spoiler. But hey, good pic.
  11. I am new to the forums (I guess) I made my forum account a few days ago, actually, but haven\'t posted here yet. I suck at this game. Well, to the launch pad I go, I go, I go to blow some kerbonauts up.
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