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Everything posted by Heythatsmycookie-dude!

  1. 0/10 because I don\'t want to be an accesory to public indecency *off the record* 7/10 funny
  2. All I have of warhammer 40k is a video game, but I\'d like to get some figures. I have the painting stuff because of another figurine I have, all I remember is Cyngar Warjack, if that rings a bell for anyone.
  3. A man with three buttocks Going up to level 21, you find Probert the probe
  4. EDIT: Changed from 24pt to 36pt. Jeb deserves even more. Ah, Jebidiah Kerman, [move][glow=Blue,2,300][shadow=red,left]MASTER OF SPACE[/shadow][/glow][/move]
  5. Ye jus\' derp\'d Trying again... EDIT: Comparison.
  6. I call it BigRigMk7 Cheers That looks like a flight sim. I have a friend who could probably identify both the flight sim and the plane just from that image, but he\'s too busy griping about the quality of his $50 joystick and how unrealistic the H.A.W.X. series is. On a more related note: Wallah, wallah! All hail HarvesteR!
  7. Murphy\'s law states you\'ll lose. In response to myself:
  8. Apparently I\'m underweight. Next person to post eats cats! food advertised by ^
  9. Heheh thanks guys. Now lets do thi- BOOM! Yeah, add some more struts to that middle part. It keeps falling off.
  10. 7/10 I ignored the spoiler. But hey, good pic.
  11. I am new to the forums (I guess) I made my forum account a few days ago, actually, but haven\'t posted here yet. I suck at this game. Well, to the launch pad I go, I go, I go to blow some kerbonauts up.
  12. Kind of err.... what? But cute. 7/10 My avatar really needs to be viewed as a large pic to like it. Time to change I guess.
  13. This is amazing.... I can\'t even find them with a telescope.
  14. 30% Chance of pad explosion 20% Chance of upside down at 1km 20% Chance of staging failure 25% Chance my orbit will be <60km 5% Chance of even getting orbit. (Success?)
  15. Roses are red Violets are red You are dead I take the fith amendment
  16. 7/10 because meh. Not that interesting, but SCIENCE!(6 points for SCIENCE)
  17. The nefarious Gamecube robber tries to rob your dad, but your dad was there, and was Chlorophorm\'d kidnapped, and the ransom distracted you from finding this forum. Tell past me not to see what MLP:FiM is all about
  18. 7/10 because you can\'t go PEW PEW PEW, you can only go PEW, *reload* PEW, *reload* PEW.
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