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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Right, of course probes can't get samples and reports like Kerbonaughts can, but I wonder what some optimal set ups are for flybys? I find that the goo containers only give so little, and the material bay is so big!
  2. Hey guys thanks a ton for your advice! Especially SRV Ron for taking those pictures! I am curious still though, is there any purpose to doing fly-bys with probes, or do you HAVE to land on things with the probes for them to do anything useful? It should not confuse me because only some planets have biomes right now, but still. Also, is there any purpose to taking more than one science module? Or do they counter act eachother in the end?
  3. I was confused by that when I tried it myself. If I need to burn retrograde to allow myself to be captured into a circular orbit, wouldn't I be moving the fastest at the periapsis?
  4. Hehe no, but I still have to slow myself down to be captured by the Mun. I'll watch some more videos. It's weird, I feel like I have to re-learn this stuff all the time. I've been playing KSP on and off for a long while now! Oh well. Thanks again for the help. If anyone wants to share any more tips about getting science points. I'm all ears.
  5. Hi thanks again for sharing some tips! I generally already knew most of that, but I notice I have issues planning the right time to intercept with the moon so I am not traveling too fast upon entry. I end up spending too much fuel trying to control my time in Mun's SOI.
  6. As of my reading, it does not appear as though you have a signature! =[
  7. I sent a probe to the Mun but failed to land properly. And I ended up confusing myself anyway. I only brought a thermometer for some dumb reason, just to see if I could land the probe there at all. I've played KSP for a long while but I admit I was never too ambitious, so I'm not very experienced =P I am a bit confused at how to land a probe on the Mun with a bunch of experiments while also keeping it sort of small and not as weighty. Otherwise I mine as well send a Kerbonaut there.
  8. Thanks a lot, Rob! Can you tell me more about how to use them in action groups properly? I notice that I can't queue up transmissions. I can only send out one, then wait for the antenna to come back down, then send another. Thanks!
  9. Hah, thanks for the link, mate. How do I make use of probes that land on the surface of the Mun? I am sorta confused by that. Is it as simple as bringing a goo container along, or something?
  10. Thanks for the input. Do you know any more about how space craft get science for how far they've traveled? I want a reason to recover these ships! Thanks again.
  11. I sent a few missions to the Mun, which have all left the kerbonauts stranded in Mun's orbit. But anyhow, I got a whole bunch of science by beaming back information about the goo and the material bay "high above" the Mun. That allowed me to research two other things, neither of which will really help me get closer to the moon. Now I am frustrated again just as I was when I typed up the first post. Why are such simple pieces of a rocket, even those that only serve purposes like simple metal structures to hold pieces together, so high up on the tech tree? I just imagine that the tech tree would not be nearly as odd were it not so difficult to get hundreds of science. I guess I should elaborate some. What confuses me is this: where exactly is the science supposed to come from? I seem to have already depleted all of the science that high Mun orbit can give me, and it was so little. What am I missing?
  12. Heya, I have been playing KSP .22 since it game out, in career mode with a handful of mods that are compatible, and linked to the tech tree. I started the game by flying around on Kerbin, getting soil samples and goo/material readings from as many biomes as I could, and managed to get a few tiers into the tech tree. But then I was thinking, what next? On the wiki for the science system, it reads that ships bring back science on their own depending on "how far they've traveled." So I tried putting a ship into orbit, warping for a few days of time, and then bringing him back down. I got less than two points of science! So, I figured maybe it means distance away from Kerbin? So I made a drastic orbit to throw my ship far away from Kerbin, past the Mun, and managed to land it down safely again. But even still, I got a minuscule amount of science. Now I am stuck. I know I can travel to the moon and start getting data from various biomes on the moon, but will that run out too? I don't want to get info and samples, send them back, and then have nothing else to do afterwards. What am I supposed to be doing? Should I not be bringing things back to Kerbin? Should I only be sending it via transmission? I am confused about it, but I read that transmitting data does not lower the amount its worth over time (by repeating the experiment)? Can anyone give me more info as to how I am supposed to properly grow my science coffers? Thanks!
  13. Heya, Experiencing two crashes. One on the initial load, and then one at an odd place. In career mode, I've got a craft that has done an orbit and is about to try to land in a desert. Every time the craft gets to around 500m, the altitude to open it's chute, the game will close and give a similar error, but not exactly the same. Both say out of memory, but as SilverWarior mentioned, it's not clear to me whether it is RAM or graphical memory. I should add that I get the game to load by, of course, removing some of the mod part packs. The crash in-game occurs with only one parts pack loaded, however. I am using 64 bit windows 7, with a GeForce GTX 560 Ti, and 4GB of RAM. Load Error: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69583036/Data/Forum%20Resources/KSP/LoadError/error.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69583036/Data/Forum%20Resources/KSP/LoadError/output_log.txt Reentry Error: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69583036/Data/Forum%20Resources/KSP/ReentryError/error.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69583036/Data/Forum%20Resources/KSP/ReentryError/output_log.txt Thanks for taking a look!
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