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Bob Schaefer

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  1. Thanx, Zeiss, I'll give it another try. Vanila KSP is ok, but I kinda find it wierd and a bit tedious after the 45 pnt sci upgrades.
  2. Hi ,again, After d/l'ing the RO and RP1 mods ( vrs. 1.7.3) thru CKAN, with the required and depended addons, I started the game and found myself sitting thru an update of over 33000 patches. Is this normal? The patch update Seemed to be successful -it said it was- and then it just sat there. After a few minutes, my comp said KSP was not responding and should I shut it down. Anyone else run into this?
  3. Hi, thanx for the reply. I figured out what happened. I was mounting them wrong. Steep learning curve, right?
  4. Hi all. The radial decouplers don't work in my game- 1.9 . The boosters just hang on for the ride. Tried thee different types, too. I can hear them make the pop when I stage them, but no luck... Any help would be appreciated. Thanx
  5. Are there any realism mods for the lastest ksp? I finally found them,. thanx anyway
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