I'm aware I'm probably doing it wrong, I just couldn't figure out a way to counteract it with what I know is in the game. Most of my ship is 100% symmetrical now, there are fins at many areas, as well as cones with a fairing I have changed the size, shape and model of several times and only minor differences are happening and the rocket tilts slowly without anything stopping it even a bit. With the fairing on it there's nothing not covered with it, the only bit that isn't symmetrical is the details of the station. It feels like the small imperfections in the ship should be easier to counteract so I don't know what else to add.
Update: https://prnt.sc/r0gura
This is the ship rn, it doesn't matter how fast I go, how much I try to manually steer its always fine for about 15 seconds, then around 25/30k it begins to slowly tilt like clockwork.