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  1. Its a little late response, new jobs has its pros and cons, but I was able to fix the issue. Turns out that it was a simple fix, Scatterer creator aided me, the problem was that I was launching KSP with DX12, that was the cause of the problem. Also DX12 has a huge performance impact, droped my framerate by a lot, specially on more complex crafts. (I forced it while I was doing some tests, and forgot to remove it)
  2. Thanks! I'll try that as well. The problem started on a previous version, 1.10 or 1.11, can't recal in which one it started. At the time that was my tought, this could be an issue from the mod, I'll wait and see with the mod update if the issue goes away, but it never did, the mods have recieved updates, even on the most up to date versions, still had this problem. Since then i havent played much, didnt had the time, but now that I am more free, this just bothers me a bit, and can't figure out the reason for the problem. Currently they are up to date, I use Ckan to handle the mods, and i keep them all up to date.
  3. How could i fix it peridoot? I've just reinstalled those configs and respective mods, still have that blue layer on screen. Any help on what i can do?
  4. Hi Everyone, Can someone help me with a little issue? I have this Blue Layer on screen(check screen shoots attached), that i do not know from where it comes from. For now, this only occurs when in the SpaceCenter menu or in Kerbin flying a rocket. I've been trying to figure which mod is causing this, but cant figure it out. Does anyone have a clue on whats causing this? On what mod is causing this and how to resolve it? Best Regards to Everyone (KSP 1.12)
  5. I was about to say the same thing, since i deleted everything, why is EVE mentioned!? I have a backup of my save, but its on another folder, on another hard drive and with zero linkage to the current instalation, the folder only contains the save stuff(what its left in the game folder when I uninstall and keep the save data). Its the only thing I see that can link to that, but I find it unlikely. >>But I have some new's, the issue is gone! << I got a update to the game today, that fixed the issue for me, dont know yet about other players that were having this issue as well, but hope they got it fixed too. This might be a good post to keep for people who have the issue in the future, to cross check the things they do to try to fix it, with no sucess, with the things i tried with no sucess as well. Things like, re-installing video drivers, checking .NET Libraries, various installs with and without mods, dx11 force and so on. The advice i give to others, is to try and get help on a forum or simply wait for an update and hope it fixes it. VoidSquid, thanks for the time you spent trying to help me, really appreciate it, and I hope we cross paths upthere on the Kerbin system!
  6. Did an Windows update today, tryed again to launch 1.9, but it still crashes. But today it is giving me the crash.dmp file that it was not creating the other day. Here is the file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gKIjWj3o1q1Zaeoc5x_se1byb0rxVCin
  7. Nope, the same crash... Deleted everything, game folder, locallow and local/termp folders, did a disk clean up and restarted the computer, but nothing changed.
  8. In that folder I got no crash file, probably because the game never opens for it to crash while running. I actually did that a while ago, deleted the setting.cfg and the backup, but it still presists, same crash.
  9. Hi Void, Thanks for the tip. This is the Player.log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OjboxlD5vRwtrlY5HF37k83KG5VjfPWd/view And Output.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iBNcZB86UGal94HGFe6QK8U-_ujvwSEe/view Does this count as a crash dump? Also, there might be something in the logs refering to mods, but I have this problem without them as well, I rolled back to 1.8 to see if it was still working and imported my save. The KSP graphics are almost at the maximum settings and the Nvidia Drivers is updated to the lastest one (442.19). I have a RTX 2060, Core I7 9700K and 16Gb of RAM.
  10. @geonovast Thanks, and thanks for the tip! Already edited the post to include the error log.
  11. Hi all, With the new update 1.9, like other players are reporting, i can't launch the game. When i open it, it imidiatly gives a unity crash window, like warranty is reporting. I have mods, but, uninstalled them all, have the game now full stock now and this crash presists (error not from faulty mods). Also rolled back to 1.8, no problems with that version. Aparently the error is in the "mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll", wich from a brief search, seem to have ocurred to more players. This Is my error log: <log file snip> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zZncR4EGasS-aVQr3JacaaN57uMN9cag
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