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  1. Since I can literally design a drone with full flight controls right here in my own office in real life, and send it several miles with a 2.4Ghz controller... I figure Kerbalnauts could at least manage this much. Unfortunately, while using RT (remote tech), the only way I can get remote control to a probe is to build a big enough ship to carry 6 kerbals and the large remote guidance unit. This is an unrealistic burden. I was hoping someone could point me to a mod that would allow me to add a radio receiver to probes or small rovers that could be operated within a certain range by a nearby Kerbal. The goal is to be able to operate rovers on distant planets when there is a live kerbal nearby, without the huge signal delay. I know I can turn off RT, but was hoping there was a better way. Thanks
  2. Hi, I searched this topic without much luck in a simple answer. I am trying to get Remote Probe control working with RT. Can someone explain the minimum requirements to get it working? because it does not seem to follow the default setup for an RC-001S unit. I tested by opening a sandbox on full stock KSP to ensure it works. Sent the craft with probe behind the moon and decoupled them. Then tested the same with ONLY RemoteTech (and ModuleManager) to ensure it DOESN'T work. The important components in the simple builds are: Main Craft: 2-person landing can / RC-001S / 16-S stock omni / HG-5 Relay / 2 Pilots (but it works with 1) Probe: HECS probe / 16-S omni I'm on the latest version for both client (1.9) and mod (1.9.6) I have confirmed that the RC-L01 DOES work with RT to control the same probe. But it requires 6 kerbals (of any kind as long as 1 is a Pilot) to work. Personally I find it odd that the mod does not work with the RC-001S. Why would it take an entire 6 person base to remote control a probe? Is this a bug or a feature? Would it be appropriate to submit this as a gitHub "bug" or feature request? Thanks
  3. This is probably and obviously a problem with the 1.9 update. But I actually changed a bunch of mods for the update and now I don't know if it's a version issue, a conflict with another mod, or simply there is some button I should press. The issue is that I can't see all the floating menus for TCA. I can see the main window & Module manager, but can't see the T-SAS window or the execute maneuver / warp floating menus. Anyone know if there is some way to reset those or turn those on/off?
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