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Everything posted by ornitorrincos

  1. yeah, I remember when jeb didn't seem a crazy maniac but just genuinely happy of being launcher into the air. This is 0.11 I just found it lying on my hard disk alongside of 0.12
  2. 11.529 meters on my radial class fighter EDIT: I must also say that this plane landed successfully, although in the middle of the grass as the KSC was too far away
  3. got to 9.400 with jet engines, unfortunately I was a microsecond late hitting the screen capture button EDIT: second parabola: 10.400 I also reached 10.400 with a rocket assisted take-off, but this way was more fun 8) ok, increased to 10.750 meters, the three altitudes were done on the same launch, I don\'t think that more that this altitude can be reached with only two jets, as having an altitude a little higher than 8.000 meters makes the airflow to decrease.
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