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  1. That's right. I did know nothing about this at first, but the problem is completely solved now.
  2. Well,I installed MJ at first. Then KSP updated to 1.9,with MJ didn't ,I actually can see the Compatibility Warning on start menu , but it has no effect in game.Then I put the whole file from Github called "KIS-master" in /GameData, the parts can be loaded curretly. but they seemed to be broken. In this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pxVQCDmLqf26mlchi_zeZmK3hvLXyd3I you can see I click right button many times, but nothing happened.Out of the building, "G","H",and "TAB"cannot also work.
  3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JGA9SN_WPU0qfHCuB9_nze4LwNHp7Pgv OK, enjoy it. And I downloaded it from Github at first. By the way, your mods are awesome!
  4. Aha! I install it again from Spacedock. Don't konw why, it works again. Maybe the way to download or install of mine was wrong. Anyway,thank you for caring
  5. Well,when i click right button on containers,nothing happened. Then I try to reinstall KIS,doesnot work either. I think the question is about compatibility
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