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Everything posted by Garrygirthoak

  1. Installed FAR and made 5 stage rocket with the intention of rescuing a crew orbiting Eve. 1st stage consists of firing 4 hammers, 4 LVT Reliants and a single Vector.
  2. Excellent Mod! Now when i start a build with Type A nosecone the COL/COP shifts to the middle of the part. Fairing sizes also shift COP, very nice. Kinda boggles me why this wasn't in the vanilla game. https://imgur.com/JhQ9T4y https://imgur.com/JhQ9T4y
  3. Hi! First of all I really like this mod, i was getting a bit triggered over nose cones in Vanilla not being recognized as an aerodynamic object affecting the position of COL. I really like how the COL reacts to fairings, you make a big ole fairing at the top of your rocket, just like in RockSim, your COL will shift upwards. I was wondering if there's anyway to scale back the ingame GUI for the mod? I normally scale my navball at 80%, same as Altimeter ect. How do i get the Mod GUI window smaller. Kind Regards!
  4. Not sure what realism mod includes, however if you want realistic aerodynamics install FAR Started using it today, it's pretty fantastic
  5. Awesome!! Many thanks for recommendation, i'll give it a try and see how i enjoy it! I'm far from an expert when it comes to realistic aerodynamics. If i make an effort to try keep a vehicle streamlined i'd like to see the fruits of my labor have an impact on the flight. I've had lots of fun with the game so far, built a base on minnus and mun.
  6. Now i used to religiously use Rock sim years ago to design model and water rockets to ensure that i was at least going to start of stable. Rock sim would also show real time stability during flight by looking at the flight profile window. What are the key differences that KSP has compared to RockSim when it comes to calculating stability in general. I understand RockSim is a far simpler program however I've made many successful scratch built model rockets from it. I'm also wondering who has also experienced using both
  7. Many thanks AAHans! Right, makes me wonder if i should just design things in rocksim. Simpler times when i was building model rockets. I'd see where the salability marker (which coincidentally is also blue) and the COM, it would give me a readout of the stability margin. Generally the readout would be either over or under 1.
  8. Ahhh i see, well thanks for your replies. I'll be definitely asking squad questions.... i'll let you know if they get back to me
  9. Im being a little lazy by asking, but why does KSP consider the command pods or Cockpits surfaces that changes it from displaying COL to COP? Why don't the nosecones have the same effect? I've tried searching up terms but i haven't found anything specific to this particular question.
  10. Hi all, I've run into what seems like a bug, if i try use a nose cone (all size i currently have unlocked) the COP in VAB and SPH will remained glued to the floor. There are only a few select command modules like MK1 pod , MK1-3 pod and MK2 CP will actually shift the COP or COL off the floor. Don't think MK1 CP changes it, might have to go back....anyway. I can backup my saves, craft ect and try reinstalling but i wanted to know if this is a bug or a feature? Edit: This happens with any new craft I'm currently building or stock/prebuilt caft. https://imgur.com/6h0EetT https://imgur.com/ScHsfp9 https://imgur.com/xGI5sKL
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