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Everything posted by Linmator

  1. I notice that many people that use RVE 64k are experiencing some issues with other planets-- namely with an white ring in place of the planet's atmosphere. It seems that @DAXIN has isolated the issue down to an "assetPath" located in what seems to be: \GameData\RVE\Configs\Scatterer_Configs\Mars This mentioned "assetPath" is directed towards RSSVE/Textures/ScatterTextures/Mars which brings me to the conclusion that Mars, Jupiter, Venus etc... do not have configured scatterer shader configurations. I am aware that the OP mentions that this mod is for usage only Earth orbit- which is fine yet upon looking at @DAXIN 's post history, it appears that he managed to solve this issue. (https://imgur.com/a/DCVOOpU) His post was later removed due to violations. However, IF there is a possible fix for this... which is shown in the aforementioned photos, then It would be absolutely amazing if It could be shared? I and many others love the Earth aspect of RVE64k, but also would like to still go to other planets without the buggy atmosphere. I will try to look for a fix in this unless someone already knows a fix and would like to share. Possibilities may be creating an entirely new scatterer config (or maybe using an older version of RVE's scatterer?) Thanks.
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