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Posts posted by Damienm

  1. Kind of hit a wall with Far future so i was hoping to get some tips.

    I have completed exploration of the stock system and the best interstellar-ship I can build at the moment is with the Hammertong has around 4.5 mil Dv. Any more than this and im running into terrible gains for any fuel added as well as the twr being low enough and I'm really reaching a limit on part count as well.

    I play at 2.5 scale so closest  star is around 1.2 ly away. Expending half the fuel I can get there in around 400 years however I'm facing the following issues 

    • i begin the transfer burn from Kerbin by just targeting the star and setting Sas to target and letting persistent thrust do the months long burn however ive failed to get an intercept after many attempts. I'm too far from the star by the time I arrive to enter its SOI. how do I remedy this as  cant use the maneuver planner to plot over such large distances.
    • secondly i need to keep atleast 300 Ec to keep the fuel from boiling off and the kerbals frozen but running the fusion reactor for so long takes alot of fuel, it burns through the remaining 2 mil DV worth of Deuterium before i even reach close to the star. i have tried adding a lot more but it takes a really ridiculous amount to keep the reactor running that long. so what can i do for EC in this period.
  2. 1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

    The output is a combination of local concentration, altitude and distance to star. Concentration on Kerbin should be 0 but in Beyond Home your not starting on Kerbin, so its missing a config which removes the concentration.

    that would be true ,but the other slightly larger moon also gives around 12 u/s on 20% concentration . maybe its the altitude but that is a huge difference. is body size not a factor , and solar distance is probably not that  different  as they  are all moons of the home planet 

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