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Everything posted by STS81

  1. Thx a lot for your advise. I'll check out Kerbal Alarm Clock...
  2. Sorry if I have difficulties describing what I mean. Of course I see the scheduled burn times for my vessels. But I often have more than 10 flights at a time... "kerbaled" and "unkerbaled" missions to Mun, Minmus or the other planets… Building parts for space stations… and so on. To find out wich vessel I need to take care of next, I have to check the whole list. If it would be possible to sort the list for the time of the next scheduled burn, it would be easier.
  3. Hi all, I am missing the option to sort the vehicle list in the Tracking Station. Would be great to have the possibility to have the next upcoming maneuver on top, the next to next on second position, and so on... Would be great if you could add this. That would make that great game even better for me. ;-)
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