After installing Principia Frobenius I have severe problems with aircraft and craft in atmosphere in general.
1. I have an airplane that flied very well with Principia Frenet, but is now unflyable. Immediately after takeoff, it pitches up vertically, stalls and loses control. If I delete Principia Frobenius and install Principia Frenet, the same airplane takes off and flies fine.
The issue does not repeat with all aircraft. This particular plane is similar to F-100, with a heavy J57 engine in the back. Installing Principia Frobenius makes it unstable in pitch: once the aircraft started rotating "up", it just keeps rotating, increases angle of attack and goes out of control. My guess is that inertia of the heavy engine plays a role (???)
I should add that FAR calculations in the SPH don't show any issue with the aircraft, with either Frenet or Frobenius version installed. All the numbers are green and the yellow Cm curve looks as it should. Nothing in the FAR window tells that the plane is going to be unstable.
2. Sounding rockets returning to Earth by parachute start rotating wildly when the main chute opens. It makes sense, because I'm using a double chute which opens from the sides: when the chute pulls the rocket, it starts rotating. But then the rocket keeps rotating with the parachute attached, the parachute is rotating as well, and this rotation is not stopped by atmospheric drag. The rocket keeps rotating until it hits the ground. Then it keeps rotating on the ground in an upright position, like a spinning top toy, not affected by any friction or drag. This can go on for several minutes, until the rocket finally lies on its side and starts rolling on the surface.
I do realize that Principia has nothing to do with aerodynamics, atmospheric drag and surface friction. But the current behaviour is bordering on game-breaking as it makes the J57 engine unusable. It's possible that the issue is caused by wrong model of J57 itself, as the real J57 is MUCH longer that the model in the game (it's six meters long) meaning that it's CoG is much closer to the center of the plane. But for now I'll have to go back to Principia Frenet, at least for the early game X-plane missions.