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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That they do not drown is neat, indeed. But what blew me away is, that they really make 'swimming' moves instead of just 'walking' in the water. It´s nice, that the Devs thought about this and implemented it this way.
  2. Thank you very much everyone! I already made it to the Mun, which had a great Impact on my Kerbonauts career (means: I descended a little bit too fast... Boom!). That may have been a small journey for my Kerbonauts, but a big step for my Mun Program. So I´ll try again... and again... and again. I also try to read not too much in the Forums, because most of the fun for me is finding out what works best and I don´t want to get spoiled. So I stick to the default Parts for now and my curiosity and creativity to see with what I come up next. Edit: I had to look up what the KRAKEN is :-) It seems like my Kerbonauts orbiting the Sun are too slow for that (20.000m/s). They will have a slow but steady sight seeing Tour and I´m curious how many KSP Updates they will survive :-)
  3. Good day fellow Kerbonauts... yesterday a new mad Rocket Scientist arrived. After playing with the Demo since months yesterday I finally purchased a License for KSP having in Mind to finish the Fireworks stage and do some serious Orbiting / Mun travelling science. My first attempt after getting the License to achieve a stable Orbit was successful. After passing the Mun very close somehow the trajectory changed and now my brave Kerbonauts seem to be on a pretty stable trejectory around the Sun. I hope they have enough food with them to survive long enough just in case they cross other planets in the Future. They still have a little bit of fuel left, maybe I can land them safely some time in the future. But until now new Projects have started and I´m happy that there are so many Kerbonauts waiting to step into my rockets ;D
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