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Everything posted by Zeldenthuis

  1. Thank you @HvP! I have chosen to go with a flap arrangement on the tail. The flap on the tail goes negative (up) which pushes the back down. It 1) keeps the theme of advanced programming, 2) does not mess with lift much (using the leverage), and 3) it looks like a plane. The plane takes off like a breeze at 45 m/s. It climbs a bit much at the beginning, which I can likely modify. It lands acceptably with flaps, although the transition to landing position is stressful, again I think I can tweak that by managing the tail flap pitch better.
  2. My planes keep wheelbarrowing, and failing to take off with flaps. At the same time I can use elevators and take off fine. This is the opposite of what I expect and confusing to me. I would like a good explanation of what I am missing when flying a plane. I am using Realism Overhaul and a version of FAR that goes with it. The version of KSP is 1.7.3 and the modules are setup according to the Realism Overhaul website. The plane is a simple propeller driven plane without any technology researched. Scenario 1 The flaps are placed down and we race down the runway. The flaps provide additional lift. This drives the nose and the front wheel down into the runway. The back wheels lift off, and the plane starts bouncing. The final result is a crash. Crash speed 80+ m/s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyzKOWyJke0 Scenario 2 The elevators are placed up. The elevators provide no additional lift and perhaps even force the back wheels down onto the runway. Eventually the plane lifts of gracefully and we are flying without problems. Takeoff speed 55 m/s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76dUf27vRAg Testing Details All of my planes seem to have this problem. I started experimenting with jet planes, then tried propeller planes hoping to learn. My expectation is that flaps will help since that is how I remember my airplane trips going. Additionally, the science and descriptions all talk about how flaps will help takeoff. The plane's weight and design can be seen in the picture. FAR was used to diagnose a variety of issues and I would be happy to know how I could use it to determine flap deflection or setup the plane properly.
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