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  1. 百度贴吧,有个“坎巴拉太空计划吧”,可以搜索一下,里面关于这个游戏的讨论还是比较多的
  2. Another problem is that when performing node maneuver, you can't see how much deltaV has changed. There is only one progress bar, which is very inconvenient when precision maneuver is required.
  3. I am a Chinese player, English is not very good, most of the content below is google translation, If this leads to difficulties in understanding, please forgive me 1. optimization, this can be slowly improved, but most of the bad comments on steam is also because of this reason, it does affect the game experience, in the same configuration of the PC, played KSP1 with some mod, whether in picture quality or frame number are far stronger than KSP2. 2.UI, some good traditions of KSP1 have been abandoned, the current version of KSP2 on the key values of the display is very fuzzy and difficult to find, I think in the launch of the rocket, such as deltaV, TWR and other key information should be prominently displayed on the screen, In KSP1, these should be the most concerned information 3.maneuver node, when planning node, can not check the AP and PE values at the same time, And the most serious problem is that the node cannot be finely manipulated, rigorous orbit planning has been one of the biggest fun when I play KSP. 4. Language localization, for example, "BEAM", when translated into Chinese, becomes something like "light, laser", but the actual meaning should be closer to "girder", there are many bad words like this--It may be the same as when you read my article translated by Google (laughter), I appreciate the production team for the localization of the game, but hope the translation team can be more serious. I know the game is in the EA stage, thanks to the production team, after all I have played KSP1 for thousands of hours, I hope KSP2 will be a masterpiece.
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