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Everything posted by SOXBLOX

  1. But you can learn and iterate. I'm willing to bet your PC isn't running a strong AI.
  2. I was listening to, and following along with, a recording of "The March of the Siberian Riflemen". Not sure if it's a widely known song in Russia these days, but I enjoyed it. The question is, part of the translation was bad. In the line нашей верою горя, it translated горя as "sorrowly", which is nonsense. As near as I can figure from my dictionary, горя is a form of горячий, and has the figurative meaning "fervent". This seems correct in context, but I don't know for sure. Is this some normal word form, or is it poetic license?
  3. No, нет, nein, and non. Why would the Soviets even send a woman on the first flight? Not saying women can't fly, but it doesn't make sense. Much more likely that it's an [snip] hoax [snip]
  4. Except that that's a mod. I've been playing vanilla since I got the game. Actually, I'm considering getting ReStock and a couple others. I think I will if the next update doesn't have prettier fuel tank variants. I'll add this to the list. Thx!
  5. I would absolutely love to see more solar panels, too. We need something in between the Gigantor and... those little ones.
  6. I love predesigned boosters, too. Building a custom rocket for each mission always feels unrealistic. That sat is gorgeous.
  7. Every fuel tank. We need pure colors, no crinkle lines, seams, or rivets. I wanna be able to build pretty rockets. Pretty rockets don't have wrinkles.
  8. I watched Scott Manley's analysis after posting...and he said it was the fuel pressure. IDK.
  9. I watched the LabPadre and Everyday Astronaut footage. I wonder, how much pressure is that fuel and LOX under? Cause SS was really thrown into the air.
  10. Wait, so, it landed? And then exploded? I just got here...
  11. I'd love to see both more solar panels and more capsules, but what I really want to see are more fuel tank variants. Maybe a glossy black and a glossy white with no details? Kinda hard to do a stock Electron replica and make it look right. A single Boar engine would be neat, too.
  12. Well, assuming they want tourism, how many orbits do they need? One or two would be enough, right? So, this would be the duration of a short car trip. They might not need docking equipment, either. How light could they make this capsule?
  13. I think you may have missed the point. Clarke said "sufficiently advanced". He was saying that, given a flashlight or car, people who lived before these things were widely understood would cry " Black Magic!" or "the work of the gods!" He's not making the global statement "There will always be a sufficiently large gap possible, regardless of our current knowledge...", but only " Given a sufficient gap...". Although it doesn't really apply to Clarke's Third, I agree with you. The laws of physics have got to be knowable.
  14. Absolutely right. Sure, the climate is changing. It always has been. But it is not going to cause the apocalypse. As you point out, these "problems" are happening at a rate that makes a sloth look like an F-22 on afterburners. We will adapt, and by the time we do, the ecosystem itself will have compensated. All the same, I'm happy to see pollution of any sort reduced. And yeah, it was waaay worse decades ago. So no, I don't think GW will cause an exodus to space.
  15. But don't photons have momentum? Is there a distinction between rest mass and relativistic mass here, or am I just comparing apples and oranges?
  16. That doesn't sound right... I think that when the solid fuel expands into hot gases, it will still flow outwards into the atmosphere. It should still produce thrust, just less than on Earth.......I think. @K^2, Mayday!
  17. They requisitioned better equipment years ago, but the bureaucracy hasn't caught up yet.
  18. I use rockets that are waaaay overbuilt for the little tiny probes I launch on them. Reusable and SSTO's are for sissies.
  19. Exactly! You get any bonuses there are, you can check out the game yourself, rather than trusting a "reviewer", and you still have economic power. Didn't like it? Send it back!
  20. Ow, ow, ow, ow, and ouch! I hope you stay afloat yourself, man. I don't think I'll preorder, but I will buy it within days of release. I expect some dedicated fan will do a 24-consecutive-hour playthrough the instant it comes out.
  21. How could they NOT put it in? It's the most insane, baddest, most frickin' awesome engine ever conceived. Riding a controlled explosion of flaming cancer to the stars is the pinnacle of Kerbal-ness. Sweet new KSP2 emoji s, btw.
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