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  1. So I’ve noticed that there are several differences between game versions, mainly being on parts and other features that won’t be talked about. I saw this problem while I was trying to build a realistic space shuttle on the PS4 version. I started the assembly thinking that all the pieces needed for my build where, in fact, added to the game. My goal was to use the parts in game to make it as realistic as possible without too much tweaking around, then when I looked for the Clydesdale SRBs (that are available in PC) I noticed that the only option given was the Kickback SRBs which are too small and to weak for a normal-scale shuttle. This concerned me as I didn’t have a clue on how to solve this problem without having to tweak the design. So, my suggestion is to please add the missing parts that exist in the PC version to PS4 and Xbox. That’s all...
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