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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That happend ALWAYS, what is this?! Please give me the Craft file
  2. Hey Leuts, ich weiss nid isch viellicht chli unnötig aber han mol eh Let's Play gstartet vo Kerbal Space Program. Die erschti Folg isch scho online, zweiti wird grad ufeglade. Ich weiss mini Stimm isch nid grad berauschend, trotzdäm Viel Spass. Edit: Zwoiti Folg isch jetzt au Online Hallo Liebe Leute, ich als Schweizer habe hier mal ein Let's Play gestartet von Kerbal Space Program. Die erste Folge ist schon Online, die zweite befindet sich noch im "Upload". Meine Stimme ist nicht gerade berauschend trotzdem, Viel Spass. Edit: Zweite Folge ist jetzt Online Hello Everybody, i make a let's play about Kerbal Space Program. The first Episode is online, second is in upload. My voice is not really heady, but have fun. Edit: Second Episode is now Online! Episode 1 Episode 2 Peace (:
  3. At 14, the first time I drank a beer. I drinking every weekend alcohol
  4. My Four times i try to encounter Jool http://i.imgur.com/hSbyo.png
  5. What's in your eyes mate? On the Night Side Shadows, sure. Nice trees Nova and good Picture from Duna(?) I want it NOW!
  6. I tried at 11AM(GMT +2) got nothing. tried it before 5 minutes again, got nothing.
  7. Maybe XSplit? I used this Software since a half year!
  8. through a German Let's Player since the Version 13.3, i always wanted a game like this!
  9. Nice Picture But how much do you paid for the stuff? I wanted my "astrophotography-set" two years ago, but i see it cost around 3000 CHF(3100$) or more?!
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